What's the cutest thing a couple could do?

oh my god they are so annoying

it’s literally titled “broken sandal” it’s one of the first images you see when you google broken sandal

but if you look closely in the corner of the “sandal” it looks like fabric that’s part of the shoe

alright firstly that’s attached to the side not the crack secondly can we get back to the actual discussion topic

okay anyways there is no such thing as a “cutest animal” because every species of animal has it’s ugly counterparts as well.

this is true

clearly the cutest thing a couple could do is commit several crimes together

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have their flesh become my nourishment.

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all hail the Feline Lords


never knew you had a wife.

break-up after many arguments

Don’t. S/O just means significant other. Can be a wife, husband, boyfriend, or girlfriend. I have no genuine interest in getting married and only will if my partner wants to. Neither for or against it.


my lack of father figure sensors are flaring up!!!

They have one. I am the one without one :hungry:

Beat up children

shitting in eachother’s mouths :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Each and every one of your bones will be personally and painfully removed from your body and then crushed into bone dust which you will then be forced to swallow without any water. You will be cut multiple times and liters of lemon juice will flow into your wounds

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