weapon in question:
weapon users when uhhhhh i fcking rip their arms off:
okay but
I have feet
and I have 120 in strength…
I’m gonna have to… y’know… get my dogs out…
Mods, cut his legs off
Reduce this man to torso
I still have my head graahh
This is why I always like to try doing fights without armours! Guns only is also really fun
mods take one of his kidneys, one of his lungs, and approximately 38% of his liver (keep his appendix in there though)
y’all acting like I need a physical body to whoop ur asses smh…
arent u fodder
Nah I kick ass w/ savant
DPS and HP pool
think it of this way: by getting attack size and attack speed
what they are doing is making their attacks easier to hit
however “skilled” players can hit their attacks even without attack size and/or speed
meaning they are free to use the slots for more damage or more HP
“carried” builds - has a hit rate of 20%+40%(attack size) 1000HP, 100 power
“skilled” players - has a hit rate of 40%+0%(attack size) 2000HP, 200 power
It depends on the playstyle, for some builds it’s literally impossible to land attacks without speed (and size for the slower builds) because everyone moves like it’s dragon ball z or some crap
skilled players just stick to elysium and munera and can’t actually win in any other location against someone that’s ‘‘build carried’’ because the game favors the one who has the best build pretty much and not every single island is a plain open space for fighting, there’s many environmental things that will make the fight sometimes unfair to the silly skilled guy like trees etc while size users can just land their attacks no matter what’s in front of them
can you press .
well i think a “skilled” player would be able to adapt to different situations and locations, those players that just sit in elysium all day should be called munerafiends instead
I don’t think they’re adapting to my domain expansion… FPS extermination
What did I just scrolled through?
skill issue
but yes attacks needing no LOS is dumb
however I do think the logic still works as as long as you use however much attack size to get hits
whoever has less thanks to their skill will still have better base stats
“carried” builds - has a hit rate of 20%+40%(attack size) 1000HP, 100 power
“lesser-skilled” players - have a hit rate of 30%+20%(attack size) 1500HP, 140 power
(btw this is why I think “nuke” builds are fine, as being able to outdamage them should be easy if you have frames and skill)