What's the forums opinion on DOORS

respectfully how do you die to floor 100 figure?

first chase is easy for me now I always want to hold onto some vitamins for the second though

Haven’t played it yet, might try it out eventually if I have the time. A friend asked me to play yesterday but i was busy

it was already in front of me by the time i started to move and it was inevitable :frcryin:

Just like turn around and run to the bed lol

It’s ok

I got to floor 50 before and didn’t know what to do.
The first event part (where you have to run) is a pain because it depends on reaction time and if you lag, you can’t see where you need to crouch.

Imma say my opinions on all the monsters. if you haven’t played then just don’t read


Honestly pretty cool. He isn’t very hard to deal with and is kinda just for making you get used to ambush.


I really never encounter him, but when I did encounter him he wasn’t that hard to deal with. I just pressed W when he was behind me and S when he was in front of me. He isn’t hard it just gets annoying when dealing with him.


Eyes isn’t really a threat unless you’re a dumbass or you’re trapped with it in the tight corridors, so for me he’s kinda just there.




Even if you played you probably never saw this guy. He hides in closets sometimes which isn’t much of a problem, but I hate him because he nearly made me die to rush.

fuck jack.


He seems difficult at first, but he’s really just harder rush & isn’t a problem if you can tell when he’s coming. If you’re struggling with him, know that he comes back up to 4 (maybe more) times around, and you have to quickly get in every time he passes, then get out when he goes back. Rinse and repeat until you don’t hear his static sound.


I know he’s kind of a joke, but I’m never prepared for him every time he appears in a drawer and has probably spooked me more than any of the actual monsters.


I never encountered glitch at all, but he basically slaps you and teleports you back to your group in multiplayer. Just catch up to your team slowpoke.

Seek (both appearances)

1st appearance: I really love his chase theme and the chase itself as you navigate halls and crawl under bookshelves to run from him. If anyone is struggling with him idk what to tell you he’s pretty easy on first time.

2nd appearance: Kind of the same thing as before. I’m a little sad he didn’t have any more crawling areas in the second chase, but that’s the only thing I dislike. Seek is honestly really cool and probably my favorite monster in the game.

Figure (both appearances)

1st appearance: first appearance isn’t hard, the AI is dogshit when you just crouch all the time. The puzzle on this floor is really cool and isn’t that hard unless you’re being reckless. You probably won’t have to hide in closet to get away from figure, but if you do, you’ll have to play a small rhythm game section to keep your heartrate normal. the heart thing isn’t hard to do just do left and right clicks (or Q and E if you feel better with those)

2nd appearance: Similarly to first appearance, the figure isn’t really hard unless you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. Just hide in a closet or under a bed for a while (and do heart rhythm thing when he gets to you) and he’ll just dip lmao. You then gotta go get the voltage key and do a small puzzle which isn’t hard if you fucking look at the light. when the light is full and not an empty box you have to turn on the number it’s saying. When the thing is correct it resets and has you do another one thats different two more times. this appearance of figure is probably harder than his first appearance, but first one feels a lot cooler to do.

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you’re forgetting shadow smh


he’s a rare monster who has a chance to appear in a room, he for a short amount of time will show as a black, tall figure, and the lights will flicker, but then he vanishes and then everything goes back to normal.

(this doesn’t trigger anything, so I guess he’s more of a cosmetic monster.)

also window

Honestly if it doesn’t give you an achievement for surviving or seeing it I’d classify it more as a random event than a monster. Like the random flickering not tied to rush

they do have a nice model tho

His design is lacking it should really be a bit scarier if the speed of backing up is enough to outrun him. Because the funny cartoon ghost look is just kinda dumb

The first time I met Jack was the 1/2000 door chance and I didn’t even see him because he was behind a door that rush opened

I do agree he could definitely look better than glowing cylinder with “eyes”

Sandal i have seen your pfp change 3 times in the span of a day u good bro?

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no :frcryin:

What about fencegates? Those are my personal favorite

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Just break a wall/fence every single time you want to get in or out of somewhere

Who needs these kinds of things

me when i say "PSST"in vc and watch all my friends turn around (it was a miniscule troll that freaks them out)
