What’s the most disrespectful, most heinous, most dirty thing you can do to an opponent in PvP? T-bagging? gg ez? Violating them with…well, questionable things? Let me hear the most toxic things you have done, saw or done to you!
if youre using a big poison gas build, filling their entire brig with gas clouds in the middle of the ocean, and then shooting the ocean water around the brig to make giant steam AOE clouds, you basically own their brig for the time being and it makes them really furious
yepp, that sounds annoying
agility power poison mage
just run and poke them from afar till they die, talk as much trash as possible once they inevitably die
does poison surge finally apply a damaging version of the status?
i killed some with just harming potions
it would need to deal atleast 50 a tick to apply a DoT of 1.
One time I killed a friend in a sparring match with my Sword M1.
On my Mage.
i woulda combat logged so fast.
A friend did that to me a few days ago…
M1 stunlocks are brutal.
Hence why they were removed on higher-level enemies.
It wasn’t multiple M1s.
It was singular.
Use Wind magic Knockback builds to throw your opponent to the sea to make Whirlpools or wait until he dies by Sharks
If he tries to return,you throw him again and again with AOE knockback attacks
everything i lose to smh
have you tried hitting someone with poison conj
double damage from full dot (no regen for them)
peak for bosses as well
Sounds like fun, how much attack size do I need?
0, just a lot of attack destruction musgravites and triple jewel slot armor
I stand still and fight back.
I don’t move, I just stand my ground. Baiting them to hit me
Fakeout number diffs. Pretend you’re gonna do a friendly 1v1 but pull up with their poster and 4 other guys