What's with these odd trades I get every now and then?

This trade feels completely bonkers. I turned it down because you know, don’t take a deal too good to be true, but what’s up with that? I highlighted the guys stats and he’s got 80 hours but level 116. Sets off a lotta red flags.

Crimson Flag

bro is just preparing for the fishing rod and cape meta

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he knows something we don’t

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Some people (myself included) do these trades cuz we really want that drip, and want you to accept even if you never trade
I do see your point in not accepting though, can never be too careful rn :+1:


It’s not really the trade that sets me off more so the fact he’s level 116 but has 80 hours in the game. What’s he been doin? Hard to find an activity outside of fishing that doesn’t give exp. Just gives me pause is all, if they were say, duped items, would I get in trouble for having them in my inventory, Misinput? That’s part of the reason I am super wary against taking trades like this, don’t want to lose my account.

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he is a 4th generation player so the hours must be from WoM, but idk how he could have many rare items without being max yet

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He’s a 4th Gen, so it’s possibly/likely a WoM file (or he was in no rush to max and rather spent most of his time grinding sealed chests and other items which is why he can trade them). Even I’ve randomly traded a few rare items for common items that I just thought looked cool

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Ah well, guess I missed out due to paranoia.

better safe than sorry man dont be that annoyed over it

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The hours are probably from a WOM or AA file, as the hours carry over when using a new save file.

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