Whats yalls favorite magic


bring it back​:bangbang: :speaking_head:

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:earth_magic_var1: :earth_magic_var2: :earth_magic_var3: :earth_magic_var4:

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Explosion should be stronger underwater ngl

n o


I like PLASMA!!!

You will NOT stop me.

(also love fire too btw)

Water, because it just looks nice.

Magma and ash

Water, Plasma, Fire and Magma

Light and shadow

Cool colours, effects and sounds, and I have been using them since AA

light and shadow mage… wait what


shadow and fire

fire :fire::fire::fire:

Close, I use a light shadow savant but my first two files are light conjurer and shadow warlock

earth :earth_magic_var1: and acid :acid_magic_var2:
earth is the magic i used for most of my time playing AR, which is probably the best time i’ve had in any arcane related game. been having a decent time using it in ao as well.
acid was the first magic i picked in wom and it just kinda stuck, haven’t used it recently because i’m waiting for a slight level cap increase so i can have an easier time with playing savant (currently my main file using it is warlord)

Base magic? Wood. I think it’s really underrated and I love the visuals
Lost/Ancient magic? Phoenix. Why? Theos.


Wood is awesome and so underrated, I just wish it separated itself from other magics with a different status effect that isn’t bleeding - Maybe something along the lines of “splintered” that slows the target down slightly while dealing slight dot damage.

Apart from that my favourite magic would be paper (and ink) from WoM may they rest in peace (f). I can’t think of any reason to add them back as they aren’t really natural elements, the only other magic I could conceive of being added would be sound but i don’t think any non lost-magic magics will ever be added.

If anyone else has any ideas on what you would rather the status effect for wood magic be please tell me, I’m interested (even though it’ll never happen but it’s cool to think about).

light magic because idk, shadow magic because deep down i still like edgy powers, and explosion magic because yes

the vitality stat :sunglasses: