Whats yalls favorite magic

base magic is definitely light, cool visuals and also because i like being a speed demon

lost is probably storm. basic but the concept is really cool, basically water + lightning + wind into a single magic

ancient gotta be electron because red lightning is rad as hell (theres also teal in it but itll look cool either way, colgate lightning magic)

out of the losts and ancients itā€™s definitely gravity and pressure

I like how light shine :light_magic_var2:
I like how fire burns :fire_magic:

My favorite magic(s) ranked high to low

  1. Wind (Idk how to explain this, I like bland things that are powerful, like a sword for example)
  2. Fire (OG magic)
  3. Water (I simply like it)
  4. Earth (Same as wind but ranked lower)
  5. Lightning (Itā€™s just cool)


i also have storm as my favorite lost magic i just wanna have it in the future as a conjurer

someone give em the greetin

My favorite magic is :lightning_magic_var1: though I donā€™t currently have a file with it. Iā€™m waiting for second awakening so I can get a wind, lightning warlock.

I think only 1 other person has said ICE in this thread so I must accentuateā€¦

ICE MAGIC! :ice_magic_var2:

fire even tho its super fucking lame ive had it since AA and its so cool looking in ao

i have fire magic sooā€¦


tbh true why is fire so cool looking and even as fire conjurer i agree with this statement

I personally have four favorite, those being

Ai- I mean Wind

air? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I really liked crystal ever since I used it in WoM so now I have a file for every variation of crystal magic except for tourmaline.

The all in or not at all stat for me, still waiting for Wardenā€¦

I donā€™t remember posting here so Iā€™ll make a list
Shadow or magma


Equinox, Iā€™ll reserve judgement for Sacrifice, Apoc Bringer, Pressure, and I think the other one was called Blaze (fire lightning)

wardens will rule AO

Wardenā€™s when their enemy dies from exhaustion: