well time to talk about the best bumpers to an anime episode being the endings
if it was like 5 or so months ago I would have definitely said “The Homework Doesn’t End”, which is the first ED of YuYu Hakusho, my former favorite anime of all time.
But that’s since YuYu’s been dethroned for topsies by Gintama, my current favorite anime (please watch it, it starts slow but it becomes something magical as it goes on), I’ll give it to the series’ 17th ED, which is “Samurai Heart”. I would upload an amv but all of them have footage of the anime itself and I think the series is too good to spoil for a series many don’t see through the surface of “just a parody anime”
So, what are your favorites?
I’d like to know and maybe listen to some.
dog most cant even jump high enough to get on the table most dont know how to climb cant loaf not all of them have fur, and the ones that do usually suck