What's your favorite magic in the game so far?

Respond with your favorite magic in the game so far!


Probably lightning despite the fact that I use water. Looks based.

earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth
:earth_magic_var1::earth_magic_var2::earth_magic_var3: :earth_magic_var4:

Out of all the magics I have used I had the most fun using ice and wood

acid, plasma, and fire are some good magics, as they’re really well rounded

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Magma just because in AA i wanted to use magma, and if i have to say the most fun to use definitely Fire magic.

I honestly think that plasma is one of the best.

Although it is not that good, I like ice, it is fun to use.

Honestly I’m a big fan of Iron magic, especially Using iron explosion spells.

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Iron is very underrated in my opinion.

I like ice personally. In my opinion ash shreds through too quickly

I like poison because of its DoT clouds.

Ash, I love it’s looks and it’s ash clouds upon collision. Just can’t wait for higher lvls where I could get full magic size and cloud and entire part of magius in ash.

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lighting gang


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Sand. It’s rough, course, irritating, and it gets everywhere.

light, it’s fast and it blinds

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Ik plasma is overused but i just generally like its look and its decently balanced too

Either Plasma or Magma tbh

I find fire fun to use

Fire or Crystal , I like the look of Crystal more but its a bit slower then what I hoped.