What's your favorite type of government


you’re kidding though right


no idea lol

Wtf i don’t know what any of these are besides like 3 and i hate all three of them can we just like not have a government :pleading_face:

Democratic Dictatorships

You vote for someone and then they are dictator for life

why does spingle borp know where the dead body is tho :thinking: :scream:

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oh yeah baby

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demo-republic/democratic in real life
monarchy or anarchy in video games

well, yes, every single time we try it it devolves into an oligarchy again

(post deleted by author)

I like Democracy, which gives people rights. However, there are flaws to democracy, such as representative democracies causing social divide (cough cough America cough cough). There are also flaws to Direct Democracies, such as the people being unable to decide on such laws, yet they entire government is built off of random citizens voting on laws and such.

Select anarchy then, since anarchy is a state in which there is no government.