What's your game plan for the Empires update?

Personally, after I get done with a local festival on Saturday, I plan to explore the new islands on my Mage first, before hopping onto my Conjurer and exploring the building side of the update. Assuming that infamy gain in the Nimbus Sea is still a no-go, I’ll probably take something mid-sized in the Bronze Sea like Harvest Island to start out.

Maybe I should do some cargo runs before building, though. Those 250K-Galleon walls aren’t paying for themselves. I also need to recruit some members, as the one member I had left.

do everything the game has to offer
and then quit the game until next update or something

unless the grind is actually more bearable like the new modifiers thing which Im prolly gonna heavily grind if it includes like blasted

(Opens blasted golden chest)

  • 3
    Blasted toothpick

dream of making a megabase only to look inside of my wallet and see a grand total of 12 galleons

  • Find the biggest cloud in the Nimbus Sea
  • See the rest
  • Bully the Arse-assin boss
  • See Bronze Sea stuff
  • Eat Evander
  • Fort Catastrophe (loosely placed here)
  • Clan Island Building first test
  • Try to find a lost
  • Defeat Gravity Magic Person on a villain file
  • Gouge my eyes out getting stuff for a new build

Devestate down from the elius arena to fuck with people claiming harvest

Honestly right now, I’ll see what is new in terms of getting new items or doing progression. But damn I need to learn how to find members for my clan to actively participate in the Empire Update.

Thats exactly what I do

you can only fight evander on a villain file afaik

You can fight him as either reputation

oh i thought he was villain only (cause hes a bounty hunter) but ok

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