When are scrolls coming?

just a question, when are scrolls coming?

Be more specific with your question? Idk what scrolls?

Scrolls like for lost spells, lost magics and primordial magics?
Long Term Roadmap

We know for lost spells but lost magics and primordials magic will take a loooooooooong while

i mean by all scrolls, lost magic, enchanting, and other


Lost magic/Primordial scrolls won’t be for a while.

Lost spell scrolls are planned to be after the second magic update, not sure about enchant scrolls but they seem the least troublesome to add.

oof, so the best answer i get is a long time -_-

halloween update is coming before november meaning tgr starts there and 3 months later we should be at jan when tgr releases. we’d then go back to the 1-1.5 months every update meaning

  • march-april: we might see fighting.
  • april-may: auction
  • may-june: second magic
    *june-july: lost spells

so yeah it’ll be a bit

thanks i guess :confused:
not the most cheerful of answers, but an answer none-the-less