Few days ago I decided to face my friend, we lasted until server shutdown, nobody won, nobody lost. We let another friend join the fight with the intent to kill us both and we’d only kill each other, they died before us.
We created an infinite battle
Tbf, it was most likely less of a battle and more of a benny hill
Idk man…I’d watch out if I were you…they’re coming
That’s what it felt like, but we both still had the intent to kill each other (We’re both high regen builds)
new regen meta when?
Regen meta…Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
wtf savant is becoming meta???
regen savant is pretty good i still shred thoe at least most players with the exception of like 1 lb savant, I still got em low thoe he just ran like a pussy
since the moment it became Inferno’s Odyssey with the funi atk spd affecting endlag and agility got the funi TP go brrrrrr
basically when mosquitos became popular
When I lost at PvP, but I think it got better when I won at PvP.
meta is not equal to popularity
Not equal, but correlated to
You don’t see someone call something “meta” when it’s barely used
Most Effective Tactic Available
For someone as pea-brained as you, here’s what the acronym is. You’ve done alot of bark and no bite in this topic - so I’d love to hear more on how you think popularity drags it’s way into this. I’m at school for the rest of the day - so take your time!
Instead of going to a popularity poll and trying justify what you’re saying (which doesn’t even matter to me because you can’t understand what a meta is), you’re adding a snarky little comment at the end of your argument to try be a bit of a manipulative swine.
I don’t like how you’re acting on this thread whatsoever and I’d recommend just tapping out and forgetting you opened this.
Hence, it is not the meta.
You stated yourself that your fights last 30-45 seconds, mine don’t. That is a huge indicator to me and other participants of the thread that clearly you need to spend some more time sparring in elysium before acting all high and mighty when it comes to PvP discussion.
??? tap out bro what the fuck is this
I don’t necessarily care.
I also have no care in the world for this ramble.
Then why bring it up?
Don’t pull a mood switch after being on the brink of throwing a tantrum when you called me a dumbass.
Funnily enough, the acronym for it was created after the word started being used to refer to the best build/armor/yapyap
Thankfully this still supports my point.
I know, I was just giving out trivia
love you too pooks
Most Effective Tactic Available
Y’know what, after further research into the topic, I concede my perspective on this. Good job.
I’m at school for the rest of the day - so take your time!
Really mature of you man
You’ve done alot of bark and no bite in this topic
Technically, so have you. We’re both barking, not throwing hands
you’re adding a snarky little comment at the end of your argument to try be a bit of a manipulative swine
Fair enough, that was a little over the top. I lost my sense of judgement and I’m sorry.
I don’t like how you’re acting on this thread whatsoever and I’d recommend just tapping out and forgetting you opened this.
You don’t like somebody trying to defend their claim? Besides me calling you a dumbass (which I do acknowledge was dumb and rude of me to say) and the statement that made me a manipulative swine, my statements weren’t an attempt to hurt you or your ego (the psychological definition, not intended as a mean comment) in any way, and I do apologize that it came across as such
You stated yourself that your fights last 30-45 seconds, mine don’t. That is a huge indicator to me and other participants of the thread that clearly you need to spend some more time sparring in elysium before acting all high and mighty when it comes to PvP discussion.
I never said I was the one losing those fights though
I don’t necessarily care.
Taken out of context. I used that example to talk about how wacky magic in this game used to, and still has the potential to be.
Don’t pull a mood switch after being on the brink of throwing a tantrum when you called me a dumbass.
It’s not a mood switch, I was respectfully correcting myself. Again, I did use really strong and inappropriate language in my previous posts, and I apologize once again for my poor judgement.
Again, good job defending your argument. I concede my meta points.
GG (full sentence)
what does this mean? you probably joined a server that was about to die or you fought eachother for hours straight
what the baitigma
64arc meets a worthy opponent on the debate stage