When exactly is WoM/AO taking place? (A critical analysis)

Alright, yes, I’ve read the lore and I know the years and events. But where exactly is it on our timeline?

Cannons are already a thing, which means gunpowder is already weaponized. This puts us at around the Colonial Age at around the time when Columbus sailed to America. Although blades and arrows are still the main weapons, guns do exist. WoM takes place after the events of AA, and thanks to the fellow below this thread, I’ve learned that AA had guns.

Breech loaded artillery (cannons) were first used in the 14th century, which means it coincides with when swords and bows were still prominent. However, said artillerypieces were still very primitive and don’t look like the ones we have in WoM. The guns that we have resemble the ones used during maritime piracy in the Caribbean, which is during the Colonial Age and early days of the U.S.

The first rifles were created during the mid-19th century, and since there are no trace of rifles in either game, we must be before it. We can also squeeze the gap by determining that the Alalean cutlass, a sailor’s blade, was first used in the 15th century. Moreover, the sword the Exiled uses, a Scottish Claymore, was also used at around the same time.

So we need to be in a time where guns exist but aren’t widespread, and that swords and bows are still the main weapons. WoM/AO is officially set at around 1470-1500 in our years: the Middle Ages/Early Rennaissance.



AA had guns and AA took place before WOM

well fok I have to rethink everything

I didnt play AA dont sue me pls

All gud

I never got the chance to play AA

But I made that up by playing AR

The most high tech thing I saw in AA was the musket, though this tech got deaded for the most part by the explosion

We got this on the AA trello. much more high tech
“Empirical 43 an island where the mad scientist could be, steampunk-ish turrets and cyborg humans will be there to fight you. Could have a giant monster”
(Btw AA trello here)
Arcane | Trello

I think this puts us on the ??? futuristic tech on the age tree, atleast in aa time

Alright you know what Im just gonna call it a fiction I give up, when somebody mentioned muskets were in AA that helped me a bit but when someone threw steampunk into it then I have no clue.

Lol this thread just makes me look like an idiot

No it makes you look like a tryhard…

Did you fr ignore the post about bringing back guns to WOM

Just to figure out some bullshit about Columbus


Probably half of this was googled the shit out of

Columbus 2021

Northern Frontier (dead Roblox game) got me big into the history of colonial age warfare and because Im forced to learn about European history at school I already have a good grasp of all the stuff


I’m going to bed and fucking my george washington body pillow cya

Remake the goddamn post i’ll see it in the morning


Nice choice

A mix of thriller bark and franky from one piece all in one


Yes it is


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Have a good sleep

God I feel dirty

It’s a mix of a lot of things, colonial ages, renaissance, and the start of the industrial period, so in terms of time period it’s Colonial and Renaissance combined with the 1800s industrial era, not quite the 1900s cause there aren’t cars, also WoM is from AA’s culture, so they’re still far behind where the location of AO is, if I had to guess, the war seas is probably at an era of the mid 1900s, and considering this, they might find the Promethean Flame curse soon, also magic is dying out because the gods are dead, and magic power in bloodlines are fading, oh and also the magic council seems to be hiding electricity from Magius despite it being in AA, this would explain why WoM is still far behind in technology, they would’ve been in the 1900s by now most likely