When is vetex gonna "get it done"?

Vetex at one point said eventually hed just halt all development and finish all the weapon skills, so my question is: when?

id assume full release, but that might extend its development time even further, so to be perfectly honest idk


after gta6


if you knew why asking

well you see, theres an infinite amount of time to narrow it down from after gta7

I mean realistically from how he didn’t add everything he wanted in empires update and with how many bugs are probably gonna be in full release it’s gonna be approx 1 year min

I doubt this would happen because of the approach Vet has already been taking that is just doing 1-2 weapon skills per update

i think there should be a mini update before full release that adds all weapon skills and patrimony abilities

but knowing him he’s gonna leave it till full release and we’re gonna have to suffer for another year

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