When will Morden kick the bucket?

I’m joking about morden getting it.

he’s evil obviously

Why didn’t we think of that?!
Sailor style is all about being covered in sea water and throwing it to your opponents, perhaps it could even be developed to further increase its anti-curse power.

Devourer brass knuckles

Oh, I was thinking about how it was infused directly with magic, so even I didn’t think of that, but that is so right!

Okay so I grant you it’s kind of a jerk move to leave your only living friend on their own while their suffering from amnesia. Seriously how did he expect us to pilot a boat? However, the idea of splitting up does make sense. (again if you ignore the amnesia, though seeing as the MC remembered how to speak it wasn’t too huge a stretch to think they’d remember other skills. It’s still a huge stretch but not impossible.) The Mc and Morden just escaped from a terrifying secretive order that had either enough smarts or enough power to hide an entire facility made for the specific purpose of human experimentation.

There was no reason to not suspect that their captors would be hunting for them after their escape, and two mages suddenly turning up would be very easy to track. He knew (to the best of his knowledge) that Redwake was a safe enough place for his friend to recuperate after their awful experience. That’s why he split up from the MC to protect them, perhaps not the most effective measure but it makes sense if you take into account what they’d both just been through.

Finally focusing on the OP’s take on Morden’s apparent pacifism. One, Morden is not entirely pacifistic as shown by not only the Julian fight but the Talos infiltration as well, when he and mc fight that one guard. However, one important thing to note is that even then Morden did not kill that guard.

Morden has no problem fighting when he knows that incapacitation is an option. That option, at least against non-cursebearers, is taken away when he obtained the Death Curse. Something, that Morden never wanted to do in the first place. He’s terrified of this power, he only took it to stop Ravenna’s goals.

Not to mention that Morden has probably seen more death than any stable person should. The Order was vicious in their experiments and often resulted in death, painful deaths that caused screams that filled the halls of the facility. It’s honestly a miracle Morden’s still functional.

The man is traumatized and sick of death. So it is perfectly reasonable he wouldn’t want to kill, especially now that he can’t really control whether or not he does.

So no Morden is not a bad friend, evil, or a coward. He is a traumatized young man given a power that he can barely control that could cause irreparable damage to not only those he’s fighting but his friends. That is why Morden doesn’t use his curse, that is why Morden doesn’t kill. He is sick of death.

Real quick edit: I should clarify since this post may come off as abrasive. This is all my personal opinion and you can chose to disregard it at your leisure.

Actually amnesia doesn’t effect skills and muscle memory, hence why amnesiacs can still talk walk and do other basic human things therefore morden was within reason leaving us to our own devices, especially since he’s certainly not a neurologist

Source: the Mayo Clinic.

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Do you think adventurers in fantasy worlds have time or a place to shower?

he wanted us to leave so he could dig up Tucker and throw him into the ocean


yes because my mc definitely showers and she’s technically an adventurer in a fantasy world

Mods ban this guy for assuming pronouns

Cool more evidence Morden’s not a terrible friend : )

but it’s my character in the game :slightly_frowning_face:

How do you know they aren’t a femboy?

Smh transphobia

because i made her and she’s not a femboy :disappointed:

Femboy here!

wtf you goin on about?

Wesree assumed the mcs pronouns and as woke police (/j idk if that’s considered political) I am now berating him

him? you just assumed my pronouns buddy

The MC is whoever he says the MC is, doofus.