When your shop gets banned

thing is he thinks I am calico cat when I am not

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can’t mods see if you’re an alt?

You see the mods can see your ip, lying wont get you anywhere bud.

Could be possible if you happen to use the same vpn idk how this works

Very few vpns show the exact same location. Like nord vpn has like 300 locations. Idk if it’s possible with like Opera but if he was using a vpn he would’ve said by now.

It’s highly unlikely that he used a vpn since he DMed me saying “He gave me his account”.

ip changes regularly
even without vpns

Wait what, pretty sure ip doesnt change regularly. Anyways, the mods will know if his ip changed and shouldnt close the topic if he did get his account from the guy considering one ip search from them shows every ip that the account had.

Considering the mod did check every ip the account had and probs saw no changes, it’s clear that it’s an alt.

Most devices use dynamic IP addresses, which are assigned by the network when they connect and change over time.

Ok wait, it appears to be that we misunderstood this as the forum account being an alt since looking at the thread he made that was closed, it was actually the roblox account, in other words, ip actually has no relation in this lol.

Oh, that clears things up.