Which anime character is able to most likely/can beat Arthur, The Cursebeard?


  • Raided Mount Olympus
  • Killed the Olympian Gods
  • Literally got around two to three of them into his army
  • Battled Durza who is capable enough to completely reshape the Earth for 3 years after leaving Alalea

That’s four, and the fact that he can kill the Greek Gods?

If you include characters with op abilitys then (list of most Jojo stand users here)

Greek Gods are different in AU so that feat is meaningless, battling Durza is something but that’s it really.

I mean we don’t know his limits or his signature abilities, we just know that he has infinite stamina/mana.

It’s like scaling Jojo characters just based on abilities, because half the time the person they beat SHOULD’VE won in theory

Jojo characters got weak durability but star platinum for example can throw 54 punches per second with about 2 speeds of sound

(I cant find anywhere how much firce he puts in each punch)

the world from fma could if they got the chance to

Simon gurren lagann

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not an anime character but yukari solos

imma just say that anyone in one piece that has a fruit just loses, if cursebeard can just throw the ocean at them :hamburger:

ngl, how would cursebeard fare against a toon force user like bugs bunny?

I know it’s not really anime but toon force is a pretty powerful skill that can turn lethal attacks into painful but comical nuisances that really don’t affect the toonforce user nearly as much as they should be affected.

He would lose, but I doubt he’d die since that’s not usually funny. Ice would just shatter with some comical teeth chattering, blaze would just char bugs which he would shake off, bugs would just pull out a super long straw and breathe in the ocean with it.

And then Cursebeard sees this:

lord beerus 100%
You want me to deny that he can destroy a planet by just moving his finger?

This has transformed from a normal question albeit with obvious answers into a stupid question considering anime has alot of overpowered bullshitery

Every character in Bleach also for the most part attacks the soul which is what magic is presumably tied to given how it was used before magic circles/the planned spirit weapons in AO.

Dante solos low diff

sadly I know no anime, but I know one character who can take out durza… RICK FROM RICK AND MORTY!!! (there is an anime thing look it up)

This guy solos Arthur

Ash can survive lethal shocks of electricity with little but burns. Also has the ability capture and fight with powerful animals that use different elements to fight creatures, not to mention he has befriended many many powerful pokemon.

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True… Ash wins.

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