Which banned forumer would you like to see unbanned?

Hyper how did you get banned?

If I explain I’m gonna miss a ton of details since it was so long ago. Try asking around, other people probably remember better than me

Actually fuck it I wanna see AO anon board, just to see what depraved shit people put out. Too bad the clans stopped being freaks.

You know I wonder what happened to some of these folks. They probably just moved on or cringe at themselves. I don’t know, that thought always lived rent free in my head, I just wanna talk to some of these folks.

I just wanna see how unhinged people can get when there are no laws to bind them to sanity


prego mc!!

what if realisticbanana has a secret evil twin named “cartoonyradish” who was banned for being too much of a goofy goober?

lmao that would be funny


Haha yeah ikr so silly

I have my sources…

yh ikr

sweats profusely

good thing that doesn’t exist

We have reason to believe your doppelganger is planning to commit acts of severe tomfoolery at the location commonly known as “mimhere island”


pssshhh naaaahhhhh i’d never do that

Fire force type shit

bella graves arcane odyssey from forum.arcaneodyssey.dev

I’m sorry

hey, that’s my job! i’m the one who bullies hyperion!!! :angry:

Bananas aren’t real. They never were. Only Banas are real. The bana is the banana’s evil twin

not a bad idea LOL