Which forumer is this

they’re acting like a bitch on the wiki on this post https://roblox-arcane-odyssey.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000099163

i assume neither the wiki nor the forums want to resume our war and would rather bash on the redditors or such, so if i were yall, i would probably confront the forumer behind this account.

I think I’ve also seen that user on the Miraheze wiki

No clue who’s behind it though



Y’all fell for the take a vetex quote out of context and use it to bait the wiki gambit, oldest trick in the book

No, I’m yourlocalIdiot1234!

how are we supposed to know.

god tier bait, keep up the good work soldier
+15 forum credits!


nonono dont ceasefire its funny af, if it hasn’t gone up to actual harassment yet

But since the triumvirate is valid, all 3 gain from credit, meaning +15 wiki and miraheze credit

LMAO ts too funny

you fandom wikians cannot handle bait huh

its deron trust

midnight: “im spartacus!”
hyper: “im spartacus!”
ellis: “im spartacus!”
me: “im spartacus!”
healcaster: “im spartacus!”
bingy: “im spartacus!”
soifon: “im spartacus!”

Neither can you forumers but ok

truly pulled off a master baiting
wait that came out wrong-

uh huh can you give an example or is that just your attempt at a comeback

I know who that is

Hundreds of times I baited, for example

you truly are a master baiter

mission complete
Flawless Forum Victory.

However, since the alliance is official, the victory is nulled because the wiki was attacked, as such the alliance’s balance stays 0

what if i’m a forum radical and wanna say it’s a forum victory