Which gas is superior (ash vs poison)

Ash winnin because pog

but neither were ever meta not even close to being meta well maybe Poison fishing update cause the DoT was pretty absurd back then but it still wasn’t meta

Poison was def considered Meta for fishing update because of how power worked, not being affected by magic multiplier means with only 60 power at that level cap, Poison would be dealing only 6% less than Fire when accounting for its old stats, as opposed to what would be closer to 12% with the way power works right now.

Also statuses went through perfect blocking so it would always inflict poisoned as well, and in addition to its clouds and average speed it was definitely a threat.

It probably wasn’t the best though considering Fire and Plasma had broken bleed synergies and a stronger DoT (though lasting shorter), but I definitely would have called it meta based on stats and community reactions to it and the constant calls for a nerf.

But yeah right now it’s definitely trash.

Ash. Poison is kinda cringe

they likely said this due to their similarities as a magic

but yes, ash is not a gas

  • Stats

Ash seems to be better on its own judging off of in practice experience and just from listening to other people. Though Poison has a DoT, Ash’s small difference in base damage means that as long as Ash users can get consistent hits, as in around 8 hits within a 20 second period (when taking into account Poison’s +5% AO synergy), an Ash user can maintain relatively close damage to a Poison user.

Ash is bigger meaning it’s easier to get cloud damage and just easier to hit as a whole.

However, it is worth saying most people haven’t gotten to experience how much of a difference Poison’s self synergy in AO makes so this may change, but I still feel like Ash feels much better to use.

  • Synergies

If you want variety, go Ash. Ash has petrification synergies and along with those petrification synergies come much more than anything Poison offers.

If you want quality, you can make a case for either but Poison is looking threatening. Poison/Fire offers an insane, constant, and almost unbeatable buff to Fire, but slightly nerfs Poison, but the point of this combo is that Fire is the damage dealer. Poison/Plasma offers a lesser damage output but doesn’t negatively affect Poison, and due to Plasma’s speed, is more consistent. Both combos mean you can ignite clouds which prevents magics being able to shrink the clouds and counters other people trying to steal your clouds.

Ash does offer its own benefits, however, just not as consistent and more easily countered. Petrification allows for more deadly follow-ups assuming you can act faster than your opponent, and since Ash creates clouds that means petrifying opponents guarantees some cloud damage.

  • Statuses

Basically everything here was already covered except clearing statuses ig, in which case Ash is more useful.

  • Aesthetic

Ash allows for more heat-based/volcanic aesthetics, whereas Poison doesn’t really allow for any aesthetics that Ash doesn’t also offer aside from colour-based. In terms of stand-alone, Ash is probably better but both are similar. I wouldn’t say one is necessarily edgier than the other.


19k and 9k

bruh guild hub aint even active anymore. why this dude complaining for

That was before you asked how many messages :fr:

Nah, the button wouldn’t release so i just stood there charging bc i couldn’t get out

wth 67 replies in 12 min

man fails and now has to edit the whole thing thinking he did a smart move god damn, if only he could get this smart irl

I think it was because lag because that happens a lot when I play my ash file

fuck you Meta i got it >:D

Damn it, could have closed this. Anyways closed to prevent further drama from escalating.
