Which gas is superior (ash vs poison)

Been thinking a lot if I should switch for poison to ash, they all have their own pros and cons but the most important part is that both magics use clouds.

So for the important question now, which gas magic is superior?
:ash_magic: :poison_magic_var1: :poison_magic_var2:

Please put your opinion and think about the :

  • Stats
  • Synergies
  • Statuses
  • Aesthetic
  • Most importantly, the comedy factor

Another thing to think of is that double clouds are a thing, but it’s heavily countered by wind. Would it be worth it?

Which funny cloud better lol
  • Poison
  • Ash
  • Fuck it go double cloud

0 voters

Fuck it


Ash edgy stinky


Poison just SCREAMS “edgy metamancer” while Ash is kinda more like that one guy who finds that one thing everyone forgot existed and completely changes the meta in just a few days just by being good with that one thing.

Poison’s definitely got more of a future for itself when second magic rolls out (Fire/Poison is likely one of the best combos, and poison works with pretty much everything except wind), though both magics have decent synergy options.
If you just want funny clouds, ash’s clouds are strictly better, since they do more damage and are bigger.

It’s also a way cooler looking magic and it’s used by cooler people.

Choosing poison purely to spite @macobre for refusing to change my name for whole ass month :fr:


dnc, i use both

Grrr, you cant clear ash clouds hehe


don’t really care if ash is ““superior””, i prefer poison (red)

i mean
cloud is cloud

The one that lag less

that would be neither

Yes… the “meta” consists of 5 people who know the magic serves worse… also Ash is literally the edgiest magic in the game. The only thing edgier then Black is Red and Black.
(Also jajaja you get a notification early in the morning jajajaja)
(Also Pre-Nerf Ash was the closest this game had to meta)

why win by skill when you can win by lagging yourself your opponent to death

Somebody actually defeated me that way

Well surely if you pick either of them
the PRESSURE in this place will rise

Imao I defeated maco that way

I can’t remember what file I was using but she lagged out from her own ash clouds

or if it was my ash file then our clouds lagged her out ae