which one in your opinions looks or just is cooler, using magic with your fists or with a weapon lol
full weapons, full magic or warlord.
I prefer warlock, it’ll be satisfying to beat people down with fists imbued with powerful magic and
Both is cool!!!
Gonna go Warlock
Not only that this class really isn’t used in many games which is why I think its cool
And you don’t use weapons, you use your hands to fight.
The coolness of whatDivanochi said
The sastisfaction of beating down the players with fists
Sailors fist with lightning gonna be more like it for me :boss:
ill use both
I’m just gonna use all offensive hybrids on my main account
I think it’s up to personal preference, but for myself, I think Warlock is a lot cooler. There’s something awesome about someone who doesn’t need any special weaponry or tools to beat you up, but instead, their power comes from things inherent to their own body, like muscles and magic.
Whatever fits your play style
I like conjurer more, but I can see liking warlock.
conjurer, i like weapons more than fists
Warlock, cuz you will live 2x longer, cuz magic increase user’s life lenght + athleticism making you live longer too. Also if you are good chef, all this will give you Healthy lifestyle
Just do drugs to be healthy instead of exercising (applies to real life too fr)
I do it all the time
Works flawlessly
Looks like you already tried. Well, Vetex mentioned insanity mushrooms, so you are up for cooking challenge, I guess.