White Eyes glowing eyes mechanic

White Eyes glowing eyes mechanic https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/6/6/66f4a9534d04b13aeea319a4a1a711c15c080aea.jpeg
effort 4.0 1 quality 4.0 2 reasonability 3.0 2

Here me out

Make it so white eyes is looking at you from afar but not moving whatsoever

This mechanic is something like white eyes trying to stalk it’s prey or trying to "toy"with you, I got this idea from this image.

This is an image of a bugged white eyes that dates back during the testing stages of Arcane Odyssey

And it got me thinking, how about we make white eyes more unique?

The white eyes (if its distance from you) shouldn’t be visible other than its eyes in the front, these eyes glow a white light and once it comes into the view thats when the boss starts. Like say if you were sailing on your boat and you panel your camera into the water, there is nothing.

Until you panel it into another direction you’ll see some white glowing figure swimming towards you and once it’s gotten into a close distance it starts showing its appearence.

You can still be alert of it however with the white eyes, these also give more distance to see than the distance we have to see it right now just to keep us more alert or i’ll just look at us, more we sail it’ll follow us until something has hit it. (Only stalks bigger ships, smaller ships get cooked)


Nah man, that’s just making White Eyes creepy.

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Very good way to get rid of new gens


This would be a good mechanic for a separate sea monster but not white eyes. Though white eyes totally should get the glowing eyes to better spot them at a distance

Like a very dark scaled sea monster with stats similar to white eyes except maybe a tad less damage and a bit more speed with the additional mechanic you mention.

lurker shark ig would go well with it for seperate sea monster

Imagine like a big one of these

That about become the new tier monster
already looks like it’d be one of those upper tiers

We should make even deeper special sea structures that require special potions to survive the extreme pressure, and add a special sea monster that has this gimmick down there.

the depths below update…

it’s so deep underwater that it’s like floating around in a black void.

perhaps this could be some kind of… new aquatic trench update?


is this depwaken refaraznce

I like the idea, makes White Eyes more uniqe

p sure testers may have asked for this but I definitely wanted this a while ago as well

Hell nah, I can’t even attack in 2 feet deep water with my fire magic.

I remember seeing a Lurker looking similar to that but not black

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