White Eyes Scales in Potions

I think when the potion update is out people are gonna revert to chart grinding again because they’re able to give you rare ingredients a lot more

(at least until dark seas content is released)

I worked the scales into an armor upgrade for one of my sea monster suggestions craftable armors (it gave power as a stat to a defensive focus armor and I think increased the max upgrade level)

I have no idea how many people know about it, but Power potion is the only one without tier

Oh shit this better be good.

Vetex’s stated that he does’nt want it to be meta, so there will be only 1 level of that potion, and probably there will be +10/20% damage boost

That still sounds good. Kind of wish it did allow you to be busted though, but in exchange for something like becoming comically weak to hits or taking up more magic energy to a cartoonish degree.

or murder an AI-dead white eyes after the originally alive AI murdered your ship to get the drops

Heat magics be like

eh i bet the offers are gonna be like 1 coconut egg for 3000 white eyes scales, and if the trader can’t find anyone willing to farm white eyes scales they’ll just wait more for the seasonals to become more valuable

Not even bro what? Do you know how easy coconut eggs are to find?

I had 10 white eyes scales before and sold them, welp time to commit near extinction of white eyes again

Lurker technically exist in bugged whirlpools here is a screen shot (Not mine but I did see one in game) Fandom Image

they exist yea and they drop lurker eyes

I found one ingame but died it did 600 DMG a bite :skull:

Uhhh I am no scientist, but I dont thinks thats how it works… It will need to disperse when fighting a player or something to not be meta, a direct damage boost is meta in almost every situation, unless it is ridicluously rare (juggernaut main level rare).

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