Who are the most irrelevant forumers?


Probably me since all I do is look at reminders, realise that the new messages are just replies, go to other topics, leave.

The person that no one says is the most irrelevant.


Your pfp looks fucking delicious you cant be irrelevant

Blud that looks like bread and food coloring

Yes and it looks delicious fuck you

Idk if you have tastebuds

There exists another version of me in forums.
His name is Garlic_Bread

Probably me


Am I so irrelevant? I barely add to the conversation

The most irrelevant forumers are impossible to have thoughts about because they’d be so irrelevant nobody would remember them- or even known them at all.

I am probably the most irre- No! Self-deprecating jokes are cringe! I am relevant.


Based self-affirmation mindset


At the end of the day, do any of us really matter?

None of us are relevant

We are but specks in this great void of indifference of which we all exist in

Im def a contender

It does not matter if you are irrelevant, as long as you are content with who you are as a person, you are okay.

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