Who are the most irrelevant forumers?

14 billion years in the making and yet we call ourselves specks of dust? Beings made of complex self-regulating system that uses the fundamental forces and particles that the universe has laid upon. A miracle that these systems manage to kept it going in the first place — and have its own thoughts, dreams, and ambitions. And even if we die and go back to the dust we came from, we saw the magnificence of the universe we came from.

And yet, who’s not to say, that could have happened elsewhere on other worlds?

over an infinite amount of time in a void filled with… particles I suppose, an infinite amount of things can happen as long as it is plausible.

why are we any special? are we not just, microscopic blips on the cosmic timescale?

some people are extra special like the people with disabilities

Because we live.

animals also live

beings on other worlds are possibly alive too

and yet the timespan of which these lives exist on is so tiny that they may as well have never happened sadly

And what is the purpose of the universe other than to be seen?


what if

it’s all irrelevant

Every universe is nothing without life.

and yet it remains equally as pointless

Perhaps, it’s not so bad if we’re all worth nothing in the end

Why worry about things like relevancy in the big picture of it all?

Because we are the rebellion against nothingness. So long as we live, we spite indifference. And that is what it makes worth it. It may be pointless, but we do it to make a point.

I never thought about it that way

Well this topic just turned philosophical

probably me since I barely post anything :skull: I only post whenever I’m bored

dawg, I’m an ice cube with a crown who comes here every once in a while


whatd i do? (i never even made one :sob:)

also probs me bc i only am in the artists side so srry nards

got lazy to make one, plus I got no balls to do it


im somewhat irrelevant?