Who are the most popular users on the forums?

I believe WAX and Burgr are the most popular


“Who is DoubleRun and why is he everywhere”

There’s pedro too. And Fat Fishe

LittleShrekSheep is like #1 of all time on the forums

I see Cosmos, Puck, and Fat Fishe a lot.

ture. I see Macobre a few times too. Meta is up there as well.

Obviously I’m the most popular :sunglasses:

Idk man, I’m that guy who lurks everywhere and reads all the posts so I kinda know everyone…
But yes, all of these people mentioned are pretty well known.

Imagine actually posting and not just lurking

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I usually just lurk others big brain talk

While everyone knows me as Asian with bad grammar or just a Rando talking nonsense

I see TAITC all the time

My personal top 3 most popular forum users would be:

So, the moral of the story is that being an active artist makes you popular ig

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me of course

unnamed, neko, bnt, strolteriyyususiduyasduhyau, NotObama and others are also pretty known

i think WAX is farrr more popular than burgr

did you just spell my name incorrectly?

i forgot how to spell your name so i just spammed the keyboard

i am just the meme man

I want to be popular but I flunked popularity class so I’m just your average regular.

Yea I have heard a lot of talk about WAX from other regulars though I myself don’t actually know much about him (it seems he was most active before I joined?) at all so he isn’t on my personal popularity list