Who are the strongest and weakest characters in the arcane verse?

Yeah, within Arcane Adventure, lore wise it should be too.

The strongest pirate captain of today vs the strongest sea monster in history.

a new mf joins the fray :fire:
still one-shot by adkins tho

Bro’s gonna get one shotted by ruby roger like kashi-

Creator of the first “man-made” magic isn’t a feat, bro hasn’t played AA and it shows

Ya, being called the strongest man alive by a god who witnessed the war does

“Creator of the first man made magic” :question:
(Poseidon is a god funnily enough)

How exactly does that qualify as an intelligence feat rather than Poseidon just being a god and having the ability to do so?

I put it in quotes cause it was literally called that despite him being a god

(The only distinction is there is no curse version of them and it took immense effort to create)

Another sign bro did not play AA

there’s nothing that states creating magic requires intelligence instead of just raw godly power

ah yes, “headcanon man”, if you dont agree with his headcanons, then you haven’t played arcane adventure (despite the fact that that most people learnt the lore via the lore doc, therefore outside the game)

Due to my pfp i am inclined to say vector solos

They were literally on the arcane adventures trello listed as “manmade magic”

Aether lightning was also a manmade magic and didn’t have any godly power

Arcane Odyssey:
Weakest: because i cant say jaw pirates i have to go with revon because of their lack of damage and overall fighting capability.
Strongest: as of now I’d say kerraxe since because he is being so glazed out here like a god his feats might be very good although he maybe a fraud who knows.
Arcane Adventures:
Weakest: Crazy Wizards can be destroyed by blasts the size of my prefrontal cortex.
Strongest: either The Peacekeeper, morock or hades since

  1. The Peacekeeper has the absorption curse, basically perfected magic mastery, mutation, probably legendary weapons and likely also has curses.
  2. Morock is the holder of the Promethean Fire Curse and probably a personal theory of mine had insane mastery over the op ass sword “Morocks Sword of Fire” this gives every dot possible at the same time having massive AOE and damage output oh did i forget to mention that he almost SOLOD the whole of the Arcane Government? He died just because someone got a lucky shot on his ship making him die to water.
  3. Hades, there is nothing much known about his feats and power level but he is the ruler of the underworld most likely has absorbed the curse that may relate to souls or fire and if he was able to control Durza a top 5 most powerful mfs in AA he has to be up there.

named? okay, dotta

is it canon?
also my point still stands

Aether lightning is, Vetex’s making it isn’t

Monks train their entire life to fuse 2 magics and fail

Also Poseidon made it ~300 years before AA, it want something he always had or anything

In AA’s lore, Vetex’s self-insert was the one to create aether lightning

Ya that’s not canon, it literally had the “non-canon” tag on it, but the magic itself is canon

Do you mean Wotan? Keraxe isn’t a person, it is the kingdom that Wotan rules