Who do you miss most in the forums

I can’t miss anyone since I’ve been here for less than a month(ignore the lurking stage)

rip the people who couldn’t make it to the forums today…

Forums was way better when ao didnt release

We had all the peaksters back then…

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i miss @ThatOneGuy

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I miss @wesree

sometimes its almost like I can still hear their voice

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I miss a_nerd. me, him, and dubious derailed so many topics together :pensive:


I miss everything except for der0n

bro fr I wonder how he’s doing

We need to coordinate an effort to find bro again

Forums manhunt finna go crazy :fire:

more like forums stalking :no_mouth:

now, on an serious note idk

I miss @DubiousLittleTyp0, it’s a shame that he died in a car crash on 8/17/2025

you guys are missing out ngl I’ve possessed the president at least 4 times by now

and I’m going to possess @Sample_Text on 8/23/2025 :smiling_imp:

by this sacred spell, i forbid thee from possessing any more souls unfortunate to cross your path. perish, demon, go back to the hell you came from.

erm… no, bleeehhhh :cat: I don’t feel like it :-p

I will now possess skibidi toilet creator Dafuq?boom! and create new seasons about joe biden arc :grin:


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Mako leaving was the beginning of the end


It’s almost like they are with us now :cry:

Acko leaving the forums made me depressed for a bit