Who is stronger Peacekeeper or endgame AO Main Character

Well Calvus was extremely angry at the time. Cause of Fort Talos, probably because he was getting attacked in his own castle, and most of all because the death curse was taken. So he wasn’t entirely in his right mind at the time either, though I don’t know how much that effected his fighting capability.

calvus was pissed off
verdies was pissed off and sad cause his entire fucking crew died and now this bitch waltzes in and goes “yo dawg im gonna beat you up”


verdies was a bit more than just sad and pissed off

Okay hang on I’m a little confused are you arguing for or against Verdies with this cause it sounds like you’re saying he was nerfed.

idk anymore bruh :sob:

Apparently people on the patreon discord think Verdies wins

Is that a plus on the ao mc’s part, or a “point and laugh at this person for losing” on Calvus’ part, or both? Me personally I can’t really tell, wasn’t Calvus said to have a skill issue?

He has had over a month to emotionally recover from this, a month in which the man behind it has been rotting away in the Ravenna mines.

i wouldnt trust them cuz they are all dumb

the calvus agenda wins

what is it with different ao platforms hating each other?
is it like a tradition or smth?

Well he didn’t cause he outright just tells us that it’s part of the reason he’s pissed off when we get to his throne. Guess he’s just a big baby.

Nobodies hating, except Ellis a little, it was mostly just chill debate, honestly the word debate makes it sound more serious than it was. Except for one guy who got really upset at me and another guy on the patreon for daring to talk about powerscaling stuff.

First off, what the hell is that image

Second of all they were saying that Verdies had tanked a shot from Trigno which would probably put him over Calvus. However, they didn’t mention til someone else on the patreon who did believe that Calvus would win, that Verdies didn’t actually get directly hit just that he was on the boat when Trigno hit it.

he didnt tank a hit himself his ship was just filled with magma cuz his pirate crew got in a fight with the mantle pirates

as a magma user, calvus tanked PLENTY of my attacks

Yeah I know, I’m just saying that one of the guys in the patreon channel was really describing it like Verdies directly took the hit and left out that the attack was against the ship not Verdies himself

i bet they are a part of the seven seas>war seas agenda so they are biased

Maybe, but they were chill despite that so I’m not like upset with them all that much for leading me to believe Verdies took a hit from something he didn’t really.