Who is the strongest person now after Cursebeard died?


Ruby Roger

Strongest thing in the ao universe has always and will always be chaos. After that, the big bad of Ao most likely.

I vaugely recall Tech saying that the AO protag will be stronger than the peacekeeper in the end,

I remember somebody had this idea but it’s basically an impossible task cause you have to treat canonicity of everything they say as fluid until it’s in the actual lore doc, trello, or game (even then all of those can be changed too as we see with the huge waves of lore changes we get). ESPECIALLY if it’s more than a year or two old.

For example, this statement is from around February of this year where mutations are not longer canon:

but this statement is from around May of this year saying that the mutation system is the actual lore one:

and this from Juneish saying that people can still learn magics, similar to scroll system:

Granted I guess these statements could coexist with this part of the lore doc where it seems like now you learn mutations once you’re strong enough? I dunno if this means you can choose which mutation you get now or something :person_shrugging:

But I’m sure you can tell based on the mental hoops I just went through that trying to parse what’s still canon or not from statements outside of the lore doc/trello/game would be a genuine nightmare, and these statements were all from THIS YEAR :sob:

Keraxe shipwright, since he can repair boats made of curse in less than a second

that redwake person doing pushups till the end of time

Well, from what I can gather at least from these statements, mutations are canon and they count as “learning a new magic”… in the loreverse of AU.

The first statement Vetex mentions seems to only apply to gameverse as the second statement talked about the game lore and story lore seperately.

We know that Vetex does plan on writing AO into a book series, so Im assuming the book series will kind of have seperate lore from the game’s current lore since a lot of it relied on game mechanics that wont be in his book series, which is why Vetex exclusively seperates the two.

In other words, you can still see scrolls and stuff as “canon”, but only in the gameverse. If you wanna look at purely story, and maybe the lore for Vetex’s books, then its mutations.

…Im just convincing myself that there’s an answer to this lmao.

They are more ancient than Kronos, there are no chances that they are human.

From those who we know, probably Hades, the last living god who carried Durza

you mean FRAUDza?

thank you for this correction :pray:
I gave Fraudza a bit too much credit in that message


publicly known? yeah sure

but otherwise hes got years till reaching freedrock

The one who immediately got rolled by pk after losing his puppet?
Pk or freedrock def strongest

pk aint shit, a gun could take them out

‘Could’ doesnt mean it will happen.
If so any elemental curse user would get killed by a magic bullet

hades aint shit, pk did take him out

Vetex stated a normal bullet could take the PK out. I neither Vetex once mentioned a “magic bullet”, he mentioned the absorption has no physical defense like that of the other curses.
(tldr, both the pk and durza are frauds because they very easily could be killed by some random farmer)

You clearly didnt understand what i was trying to say, a bullet can take him out, that doesnt mean it would happen in any scenario. Im sure he can just dodge or shi like that

It means it can in any scenario. The PK is not the strongest if his skin is made of paper mache and cannot even tank conventional weaponry from 400 years ago