Who is your favorite OC's by other users?


@ImaLettuce’s character Vega Anchor, it’s very fun to read about him and his adventures. I like his character traits and silly quirks, and Fire + Iron Leg is a very high-potential combination of powers for action scenes and whatnot.

Do you mean Merlot or Benjamin? I personally liked Merlot more in that particular story, his dialog was too much fun to make.

Sonata silver

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I forking love the witty Merlot in @SpectreTheFox 's Waltz with Death. I want to see more of him :fr:


Hoo boy.
Hoooo booyyyy…
Once again, it’s time to make an ungodly long list, because I just love what people make. (picking exact favorites is a problem for me, so I’m boutta name a lotta people)
Here goes…

@anon94879859 Sonata Silver, hands down, became the best because of how colorful her personality is. Amadeo and Vienna are close seconds; they’re all spectacular lil goofballs.

@Pink_Skyson Your designs for literally all of your characters have a nice flair to them. They’re all equally cool, and the fact that they’re based off of in-game designs makes it all the more amazing you adapted their in-game look like that.

@tetragon_fortress I think I’ve said this to you directly, but Caitlin is hilarious for being a Navy commodore, and yet… She’s so damn cheery at the same time. A pretty neat twist on the usual expectations for a Navy character!

@PhoenixHeartAlight She’s not been around for a while, but I decided to mention her characters here anyways, since… They are still friggin’ amazing. Adina and Skye have cool designs that are the perfect balance of simple and complex.

@stellarii_xx I wish I had more words for this, but Noelle is just great. Her personality and backstory are a really, really damn good usage of the story of AO, and it gives her some shocking character depth I rarely see out of other similarly “Tortured by the Order” characters.

@apollyon Jade’s silly as hell, and I am still blown away by how you managed to make her stick out in the standard Assassin Syndicate outfit.

@OneAndOnlyFrancis I haven’t finished reading the lore you’ve put out for them, but Frida and Creed are really neat. Their backstories are great, and their designs go hard. Namely, Creed’s morning star flail is cool as hell.

@GhostlySickle Your cast of characters are certainly a special bunch as well. Mei’s hilarious, Caroline is snazzy as hell, and Vincent…
Man, I wonder what Vincent’s story is, honestly. Looks like he used to be a knight.

@Kam_i A bit of a smaller mention, since Kam_i hasn’t given much info on their character, but I mean, her design is pretty astounding - looks both cute and like a proper Warlord would at the same time. It’s impressive as hell. To others reading, if you didn’t know, here’s the link to the post

There are some others, but they’re mostly my buddies centralized in a particular Discord server, so I can just mention it to em’ there.
I hope I mentioned everybody I could think of.

just now, I’ve realized how many female OCs there are. Dang.


heheh booba
The statement above is a joke but darn, there is a bunch of female OCs.

either @BaguetteCrusader’s Nikimura Birch or @Retribution’s Aritz Arcturus

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Trollus’s Juniper. Technically it’s an Arcane Adventures OC.

A lot of people here put quite some effort into their characters and I’m here all for it.

First and foremost, @Nerozio with the colorful cast from his Underdog Tails series. I don’t exactly get how, but it the short amount of time that he has, he’s able to show off their personalities just right. The builds he makes for characters combined with the designs are some of the most unique ones, disregarding metās and just doing his own thing. Amazing stuff.

Next in line is Joe from @Koony . As the guy himself stated before, Joe is a complete foil compared to the rest of the characters here. An intimidating looking man who uses his words rather than fighting, not wielding magic, but also not wasting opportunities and progresses through the story while remaining the good guy. Also has a curious family business history.

The next one comes from @deerfr3aks (mostly from the AO art hub discord server) and they have a HUGE set of characters. An entire council of different people with different upbringings working against the Order. Also - bro does NOT suffer from same face syndrome.

The next three are by far my favourite trio of characters.

Starting out with @stellarii_xx 's Noelle. Noelle’s story is a deeper dive into the whole experimentation thing. Having her feelings about her lost memories explored, her wanting to find out about her past and what’s so familiar about all these people she’s meeting. Not to mention she’s an absolute SWEETHEART. Noelle has her struggles with being pushed around by people, not being given the amount of respect that she gives to others, yet still being there for others. Her guilt at the end of the Bronze Sea storyline is very compelling.

Next up - @LightClarity with her character Lilly. She, much like Noelle, is leaning on the lost memory plot thread. Trying to navigate the seas all on her own with no knowledge of where she’s at. Trying to find a safe place to go while conflict is dangerously high. What made me endear her most was the spectacular “The man I met on Elm Island” comic. She’s a total style queen with her outfits. Seriously, this isn’t even drip, this is a waterfall. It’s quite amazing how detailed the descriptions were for her attires. You can see the passion.

Last but not least - @BlindclownNN the creator of Brahms. Brahms appears like a morally grey character to me. The man has been through a lot - losing his entire ship crew in a watery grave, being stuck in debt with the wrong people as well as fighting some of the inner demons. He’s not exactly the best person but from what I’ve seen, he’s a well-written character. You don’t really agree with his actions, but you can see why he acts this way given his upbringing. It left me wanting him to finally find someone who will help him up on the way of being a respectful person, but also be a genuine, good friend to him. I wish Brahms peace.


Thank you Fran…I mean it really

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That’s just about so freaking sweet I need to drink some water from that waterfall cheif :sob::relaxed:

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@stellarii_xx 's noelle is very adorale, i love her design and the art she’s featured in
@OneAndOnlyFrancis’s creed and frida, love their designs, their titles, and they seem very interesting
@anon94879859’s vienna’s asethic is right up my alley, sonata deserves all the love she can get, Amadeo is very interesting and the art she’s in is sickkkk, and edith well if you know me you know why
@rouver2345 ruby’s design is awesome, love their hair, hat, and drip, and well they’re a mood (we love edward kenton in this house)


I’m so funny.

My character is just blue


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Cryonical’s Chaos is perfectly confusing for the abstract infinite possibly green soup that it is/isn’t.


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Is this gig wearing down on your psyche? I pray it’s not doing what I’m afraid it’s doing.