Who more annoying: me (bingbtwee), mrhyperspace, or stocksounds

ill check on this topic in the morning. vote well, british people

  • Stocksounds
  • mr_hyperspace
  • bingbtwee
0 voters

No such thing, there’s only one British person (realisticbanana) everyone else is simply an alt

i guess

I love democracy

  • all of the above
  • who are these
0 voters
1 Like

This is a competition, you can’t all of the above us

i flagged his post for being off topic

(I voted for all of the above)

I’d bet anything betwee’s gonna win by virtue of not having the weird thing me and stocksounds have where stock just refuses to learn their lesson and I compulsively bait them further

Ngl being real for a minute, I genuinely don’t wanna continue arguing constantly but holy fuck are the forumers baitable, to the point where something I would consider to be a light hearted jab can cause a 80 post long argument

Don’t flag bruh just ping a mod :sob:


Flagging means you want the post CLOSED

Don’t worry I’m sure the mods will see this and realize you just want the post moved, but uh be aware next time


It can also be used for requesting a delete of certain… messages?

Yeah but flagging a topic means you want it closed

(I think)

Wait topic as in the whole thing?
Or specific reply?

Also, now that I think about it: isn’t this meant to be in off-topic?

Ok so

Betwee flagged this as being off topic, because they wanted it moved

But flagging your own post usually means you want it closed

So betwee basically is having their own post closed unintentionally

So now we are discussing it so the mods see the argument and realize they want it moved (actually we can just ping @Divanochi he’s basically the forum janitor) (he should honestly be a mod at this point Ngl)

Oh ok, fair enough

Also, I think I can move the topic if needed
