Who tf is the tenth unknown, (AA LORE)

I will never understand how Cursebeard, a weak mortal managed to hurt let alone kill Prometheus who is supposed to be stronger than Zeus who is one of the eleven unknowns, of which even the one ranked 11 is ‘miles stronger’ than Cursebeard or so was written on the official AA lore trello.

There have been curse users who went insane before, and one bad depression episode is all you need to make things go kaboom

Yeah that never made sense but that info is out of date and non-canon now:


Note: he’s referring only to the time and place of AA, so the statement doesn’t take into account the PK w/ the absorption curse nor anyone who might pop up in AO

mmmmm prometheus prolly got threatened or smth

twice at the least

irrelevant since magic can still exist without curses

magic doesn’t have nearly as much destructive potential when compared to things like the absorption curse or promethean flame curse

I forget who it was, but either tech or inferno responded in a QnA about being unsure if the extinction of magic was gonna be canon anymore.

i’m aware, as was mostly referencing age and the stupid harsh environment, magic wasn’t even considered part of the equation in that scenario

first i know, torren ffs, and it’s almost as if said insanity makes you do wack stuff for seeming no reason at all. you don’t really need to be depressed to go insane, granted sure some dudes can go from depression into insanity but usually there are more steps to it.

but rupen didn’t and wasn’t depressed to make him insane it was mostly gradual and the given nature of fire. yet he still went on plundering, killing, island destroying, etc. for the fun and freedom of it.

speaking of which ik torren was basically removed before the unknowns were removed but sorta surprised he wasn’t mentioned at all but not at same time

cursebeard vs the gods didnt cause worldwide damage, it was just a war.


twice but the second was an accident.

yes but humans wouldn’t have had magic if the gods didn’t have curses

that is actually wrong since the character from AO is gonna be stronger than the PK and probably wont use a curse.

well I feel like that ending was anticlimactic anyways

not really

irrelevant to the point (also gods didn’t have curses, they made them)



curses have been around for a very long time. The fact Rupen and Torren has gone to this state at all indicates there have been worse cases in history. And the time period where they went insane can be considered fairly peaceful, so things could’ve been much worse before

40% of humanity died and so did nearly every god, that’s pretty significant damage

first i agree with you and the fact you seemingly kind of just blew past my point here, which most likely is a miss understanding on my part since writing a point/perspective at 2 am is a good idea

though my point here was saying that yeah depression could lead into insanity but that usualy involves steps after depression usually or where it mellows down to then go into insanity.

this along with me mentioning rupin or torren wasn’t meant to imply i don’t think that things couldn’t have been worse. things are always possibly worse in history for crying out loud, and likely worse cases that got hidden away or lost to time from other reasons ;-;. or likely put into a myth/legend of a children’s story or whatever, and us missing it.

rupin was guarding the fire curse for a long time and likely the rest of his life for a reason before inevitably taking it cause he thought it was best to do so. clearly if him and those before him who were defending it for a good majority or all their lives had to of had seen/ most likely experienced a really bad case to make them devote their lives towards it.

i don’t remember if rupin had a family clan thing, where they protected it been awhile since i looked it up. let alone anyone outside of being related to another guarding it

torren i don’t exactly remember how he went insane but his story is sort of all over the place. but i’m pretty sure it was from all the conquering, dark flame curse personality, which then led him to be needing other unknowns to tackle him and seal him the third sea.

regardless he was decanonized way before the unknowns would be too so i’m honestly not gonna ponder further than this

here i go having to explain stuff that i thought was subtly obvious, o boy, why do i do this to myself.

i was going to explain myself of why the scenario is a thing and what not but that brings its own can of worms about immortality and seemingly stupid unrealistic reasoning by this point.

point being that this was assuming those guys were 100% dead from being caught in whatever destroyed the planet. and the stragglers being picked off. to then where the planet is a scorched rock landscape with dust storms and the like with most magic stuf being disapaited and exploded only in big patches elsewhere.

or another part where they didn’t kill him and punished him into a seal and go rebuild the planet or smth to the best they could.

dont wanna get into a what if scenario, explaination loop

they’re all immortal in terms of age, they have all the time they’ll need to go depressed, and most people can go insane within one lifetime

bro i didnt know that asking the question of who tf is the tenth unknown could lead to this gigantic discussion

it happens on the forums it is what it is

i’m at the point where i’m not gonna debate anymore since it’s just back and fourth at this rate that doesn’t lead anywhere other than feeling berated

unknowns basically most powerful people/beings including chaos

2nd unknown is the literal god of the arcane universe,

when durza died he exploded, nothing could prepare the PK for that

Even still the gods gave humans magic

Vetex said so, ask him or someone else idk exactly from where but the character from AO is stronger by the end

I guess im not the only one that thought that