Who wants to go to epiccenter with me

your ship preferably, no island stopping

Skill issue?
Get better ship zzz.

bruh I just said that in case someone had a better one my ship isn’t bad

Just get a better ship

What ship build do you have?

best i can offer is a scenic rowboat ride

I think this is it

I would go… But with only 93 speed, its rather hard…


I would go… but we’re probably in totally different timezones

when can u

it’s 12:11 pm for me rn

Definitely not, then… i’m 10 and a half hrs ahead

I have school rn tho

can I do in ur morning

I also have school in the morning

when does urs end

3:30 pm for me… probably too late for you :skull:

what time zone

IST (GMT+5:30)
(complete sentence)

ok what time is it for you rn

my brain is worng