Who was the best pvpers before WoM and AO?

Jumping into the past I want to know who was the greats before WoM / AO ( in the AA and OF era)

I recall Pristine was a top bounty hunter back in AA, and Doc was a beast in AA as well. Most of online fighting is pretty lost but they are a fire curse user for sure like 90% of the player base that time.

Well there is this post:

But the ones i’ve actually seen and encountered are Orion and maybe Visan. I’m pretty sure i fought Orion in WoM when they were using bow and i only managed to get them to High Yellow hp.

Dunno about anyone else in WoM

I wonder if either of them ever took me out at random. I was mostly a solo player but I remember getting washed in a few distinct encounters haha.

Firstly, he’s asking about AA times.

Secondly it seems more and more likely that Visan/Chiron was/were using HBE, they apparently cherrypicked their clipds, were hitting impossible shots, and weirdly left right after the death of cheats.
(he also apparently faked an aimlab clip, and according to some balance team members he was using an armor stacking bug, wich is why his shot on his lightning thermo warlock did 360 dmg and had a range longer than menura)

(to be clear I am not accusing anyone, I am just saying what I heard)

Oh. Didn’t read that far whoops.

Interesting, same here on saying what i’ve seen based on that thread i posted and not paying much attention to PvP.

Going on to fufill this topic then, Doc is definitely one of the people there but i don’t recall anyone else.

The place to look at could probably be the notable Clans at the tim ig. However the first 1-2 Seasons were recorded in this AR wiki about AA?



Nothing on Season 3 aside from this video showing up.

Where the person fights Karateking3, which was in S2 and given PvP Warlord.

Level (not me level)