Who would win, martin or the forumers?

Who says Martin can’t cheat either

Vetex’s programming mostly

Martin is level 113K when unholy beasts are around 600 (from what I remember).
So Martin can probably beat these higher atlanteans
(Also will we have DS bosses that are these types of atlanteans?)

Scary. But also very cool. And it makes sense that they could eventually fully mutate to become monstrosities that are merely humanoid in shape, unlike their lessers who still have parts of themselves that could be considered human.

martin is lvl 117k

I read somewhere else that it was 160k, so what’s happening here? Don’t tell me we ended up acting more like sailors than we realized, and exaggerated the tale of Martin?


probably the fact that Martin is an NPC while Rb1 is a hivemind deity of thousands if not millions of alts

nah id win


Then we are dead.

vetex is on the forums
he can probably just give himself that build tool thingy and just delete martin

I wonder whether it would be possible to bring an ungodly amount of gunpowder barrels to build a tower tall enough to be out of npc attack range and then place a large meal on top to float there.

Martin will be scared at the sight of a demon like myself, I’m so laggy that I effectively have timestop against all PvE enemies.


The lag source is from my garbage internet provider so I can be on the fastest server of all time and still look like I’m being affected by King Crimson.

which provider you running?

Verizon, it’s been dying for like 2 months now and a storm hit us and finished it off. Currently on its death bed as we speak.

(Oh cool, I have Verizon too!)

Uh…Sorry to hear about your (awaited) loss.

Martin vs Rb1: