Who would win, Ren or Durza?

why are people in this thread high-balling inferno like its a avangers level threat? Grand Fire Curses where made to kill Arthur, and not only did Durza kill Arthur, as he took the curses he had, he is worth 2 or more Arthur’s, there is no way someone that is not in, at least, Morock’s level to kill Durza (and that man had the strongest Grand Fire Curse)

durza has gotta be worth at least like 4 arthurs in terms of curses

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What is with the morock glaze in the forums he’s not worth 3 cursebeards bro, he isn’t marginally stronger

On a side note, does anyone know how is durza going to absorb arthur’s curses when the prerequisite for absorbing curses is depleting them of their stamina and energy. Something arthur has an infinite supply of

He just
Kills him
Good luck using all that energy when your brain is turned off because it’s dead

wouldnt cursebeard only die when his cells are unable to repair themselves because of a lack of resources and start breaking down?

I’m going to remind you that Cursebeard gave up, so it wouldn’t have been that hard for Durza to kill him directly if he had to.

i was just talking about it out of context

Oh, then I guess yea, you would be right.
Unless curse rules dictate that they shoot out of the body before what you said happens, in which case the user would die earlier.
But other than that possibility, yea you right

Yeah but durza has never directly killed someone to absorb curses or magic.
Them dying is a result of durza absorbing energy nd
From the lore doc it’s pretty explicit that draining magic energy = death, how is he gonna drain infinite energy? And how is he gonna absorb the curses when arthur is already dead and the curses have been ejected?

Durza wasn’t the strongest Curse user in history, we got Freedrock and retconned Torren

To kill Arthur, he could just use the other curses or magics he has, while to get the curses, he could just like, stand on top of Cursebeard to catch them before they fuck off somewhere on the planet, and absorb them then, if the absorption curse doesn’t just let him keep them in place or something like that.

people can’t regrow lost limbs though, so cut off his head and he’s done

My point has never been about durza killing arthur.
And would that even work? We’ve only seen durza absorb curses that already have users.
Anyway, the real point is that durza couldn’t have taken arthur’s curses because arthur was alive long enough to expo dump the peacekeeper the entire story of how durza defeated his army, so unless durza— while fighting the peacekeeper — zipped to where arthur was about to die and then took his curses right as they were about to be ejected i find it unlikely he ever got those 4 curses

I personally believe that it would be really stupid if Durza couldn’t absorb a Curse because it doesn’t have a user, but I guess we’ve never seen him do it so who knows.

You know what, I completely forgot about that, so yea, it doesn’t make much sense for Durza to have those curses.
Unless again, the absorption curse has some kind of ability to let Durza keep them there to absorb them.
(man I love lag making me take five years to write a reply)

i hope we life and heal magics will be working ONLY on ourself or teammates, would be cool to have it as seconadry lost magic.

his head would still be alive though

To be entirely fair if this is durza before absorbing cursebeard he probably loses because inferno curse is supposedly powerful enough to kill cursebeard and durza wasn’t (fraudbeard gave up because he got sad :cry:, if he actually tried durza gets shitstomped easily)

but no oxygen

oxygen is part of cell juice and energy curse is infinite energy so the cells would still live without oxygen