Whos the best pvper,

HadesXhu or Keeperofoath

tigerbaby solos all WoM players jumping him at once

synvade isn’t good wym he is like decent though

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My name should NOT be coming up in here :skull: . I am barely a passable pvper, if one at all due to how poorly I am with blocking.

welcome to the arena i am the boss

literally the moment arena mode or pvp leaderboard is real (maybe like the 4 monarchs of the sea thing will tell us how) will tell who is the best


@Farerflare best

considering the people who participated in the tournament it’s not very impressive

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I wished more people in the pvp scene were there or some guild members from top guilds. No one really had an impressive background side from maybe Armada and Flare. Would have just been nice to see some more people on their tier. Kinda swept through Loser’s bracket pretty easily.

orion, visan, deviable, xevanant, and duck are top 20 pvpers prolly there’s other really good ppl but that’s who comes to mind


and me: im god, im dah god of god, i am dah god of god of godssssss, yaas

rannute, he fr plays that good

thats protato.

no shit more people know him as rannute

Doc and Mimhere are pretty damn good (in ao).

obviously I’m better than them

mimhere is broken. Mimhere was in suncry of course their crack at combat of any form.

I don’t think a wom clan is gonna translate well to AO pvp. I think the homie having a ton of hours in tu does tho.

rannute and tigerbaby top 2 ong

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