Who's your favorite forum artist / art style and WHY?

Not gonna make this a poll bc there are 96 of us (apparently)

also we all know you’re gonna say tong, thank you next

feel free to gush about any artists in general too ofc


macobre of course ;3

don’t hurt me plz

I gotta say tong.

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Kentaro Miura 100%
not from the forums but idc lol

JTN or Phi definitely

BNT :>
I just really like his cartoony artstyle

Art Spiegelman

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Bro I thought macobre meant favorite forum artist, if it’s in general then shit like this is definitely my favorite

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hekek, I did I was just tired when I made this and forgot to specify

all of them

as far as style, I’d gotta say @Phewka
here are the things they drew for submission to get artist
really cool fucking shading style honestly, I don’t think they use it anymore tho

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phewka yes

most eye-pleasing art to me personally

also he show me hands


you seem uninformed

ikr, it’s like stained glass I love it

but ye, they mostly stick to traditional (cri)

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BNT because I just like her. She’s a cool person, I like to talk to her.

A close second would be Phewka, but I haven’t really spoken to them.
also pls dont hurt me for not saying you, maco, you’re my third favorite ok?

Tong, ez

tobi, nothing

Damn you predicted it. I like Tong due to his sick humanoids. Tobi because of his really funny comics and Maco due to your drawings of beasts.

For artists in general I love Scott Flanders due to his drawings of colossal beasts as seen below.

i haven’t even found my artstyle yet :frhigh:

also my favorite style would be @geo

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payiva or BNTarwarn I think