Why Arcane Odyssey is Dying

I was talking about vertex not doing his job and Patreon supporters paying him regardless

johnny sandhand


Return of baituchiha

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We need Johnny sandhand to save us rn

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I’m fine with coming to terms with the sand arcanium change because at least one sand user wanted it (Jdfp I think). I agree with all sand users its part of the sand user license agreement

Pretty well written for an unserioud post.

i didnt derail, im perfectly on topic. talking about how bteam are just pussies, who cant stand up for themselves why are they working with vetex for this long if, he’s not responding to them? its been 2 years since ao has been out. the thread says “why is arcane odyssey is dying” but im responding to the doc the original posting former b team member made with in this post. The post is complaining about vetex not communicating with them. Why are they working with vetex then? it seems like Vetex doesn’t even want to work with them tbh.

vetex responded saying he had it handled i never asked him to be bteam lead after that

i was only disheartened by it cuz i use an arcsphere in my main size build so no more size on it is just a bit of a let down

im sure i can work around it tho

“Oh yeah dude I never asked him after he told me no”

ur a bitch boi keep licking vetex’s feet while he doesn’t even acknowledge u :rofl:

u said i cried about not being bteam lead.

Sure I’ll keep doing that while you watch in your Sneako chair.


JOHNNY SANDHAND please… SAVE US :pray::pray::pray::pray:

no, ur insulting the balance team, ur not talking about the issue but about how much the bteam sucks, as for why they still work for him? they just enjoy the game, believe it or not but that not their job nor you can only do stuff if they benefit you, bteam cares about AO and they enjoy AO, its simple as that

why would i be in sneako chair obviously u and the rest of the bteam have that chair reserved for u :rofl:

my point has been proven, mods pls ban fridge already

they deserve it. why tf are they always trying to publicly call out vetex, cuz they cant settle any of their problems with him in a 1 on 1 conversation??? THEY ARE PUSSIES.

tell me why balance team should be publicly calling out vetex instead of handling it one one one? FUCK bteam, if Vetex wont talk to u then quit dont make deliberate drama cuz he doesnt want to work with u

I think the agility attack size pauldrons with an attack size modifier work fairly well, although you would be losing some power. Though I doubt we won’t be getting new accessories with power + attack size by the time the change is pushed out