I’m admittedly a bit nervous to send this as I’d rather not be banned from the forums, but I believe this needs to be said. Arcane Odyssey has felt on a decline for a long time now both as a game and a community and I felt someone needed to speak up. I don’t mean for this to come off as me flaming Vetex, or as me trying to cancel him, or as me just being a piece of shit and I’m sorry if it does. This is just supposed to be some blunt criticism of how I disagree with how he’s handling the game and its community.
stopped reading at b*lance team member
ok this is just a crazy thing for a dev to say
i mean disrespect to the pvp community is valid (they suck)
i agree that vetex isnt very good at pr and i think he should leave it to tech because hes a chill guy
vetex already has help, at this point i dont get why he doesnt let the bteam to add the balance changes, they are there for a reason and vetex vetoeing them makes no sense if he isnt the one that works on them, he doesn’t even pvp and some changes req pvp knowledge, something that he lacks
he also says to cry to the bteam, but he is the one vetoeing needed changes, not just pvp but qol changes as well (fort castrum as an example)
another question i have is where is tech, tech is way more professional and chill than vetex, no offense to vetex but tech just babysits him, i rlly believe that tech should be in charge to these stuff, balancing and public view since vetex can be ticked off from the slightest criticism
obvious bait, HAIL NEPTUNE
Once again the fault lies with you Vetex!
I myself am a PvE player (no surprise lmao look at the roles I have on the forum here) that hasn’t touched this game consistently since Dark Sea for the reasons you have highlighted. You’ve pretty much concisely put to words all the issues that hinder the flourishing of this game and its community - And you managed to encompass all of its branches.
Even if this game and community fall to pieces at least someone tried to point out why it’s gonna happen before it.
ya, why should i cry to the bteam when they made the necessary changes but vetex vetoed them
He is the one to consider this game his magnum opus and yet he’s the one squandering it. There is no person better suited to kill an idea than the one who originated it.
Que Dieu sauve Vetex et son jeu.
He cant get his act together at all someday we’re gonna have a revolution that’s gonna make him give up some if not allpower over the game that he currently holds if this keeps happening
Bro what? How would tht even happen?
Also unrelated to all this the timeline where vertex kept working on wom is probably FIRE
nah this is cool as hell I aint want him to waste dev time on stuff that doesn’t effect like most of the playerbase
Did you get a lobotomy or smth? You can’t just NOT read the balance doc. What if your teacher grabbed your 15 page essay and just said “nah I ain’t reading that”? Like you’re fr paying this guy for him not to be doing his job. I cannot stress how stupid what you just said is.
cus updates are disappointing and vetex doesn’t listen to his community
Bro can someone copy paste the text im in china
(Docs blocked)
If he doesn’t have the time to implement important balance changes, then he should just have the balance team do it. I don’t see why he just cast asides the doc completely.
Also man his pr is not very good at all
important balance changes are oftentimes just a simple numbers change as well
at least we have our glorious king moochezz working on the game now