despite a lot of power there’s also the fact it can make you crazy and you can never enjoy a bath again.
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they’re weak to magic, they’d explode or something
why did an image of rupin walking down a path and a monkey buccaneer on a patch of water shoots him and rupin explodes appear in my head?
5 words:
Trigno, Morock, Averill, John, PK.
thats only 5
wait actually, most of them aren’t power hungry(from what I’ve seen) but my other points still stand!
(quote by vetex too btw)
he never said “uhm actually” tho
he has ascended above “uhm actually”
this post is 3 years old
double uber necro
Truly the necro of all time
torren got retconned tho
That post was pre-torren retcon
oh I thought it was recent
Are water nerf guns a thing in AO
Because with great power comes great responsibility.