Like legit, as your average anime watcher, I mostly just watch the first episode of the season for it’s OP and ED then after watching it once, I start skipping them in the rest of the episodes but damn man, Jujutsu Kaisen’s OP and ED always keeps me from skipping them. Like legit, their OP and ED gives good vibes no matter what. Heck season 2 OP and ED became even better than season 1 OP and ED.
Like literally man, if you’ve seen season 2 ED, it’s so fucking good to watch and listen no matter how many times you’ve seen and listen to it. Just seriously, watch and listen to it if you havent:
Like man, it just makes me wish I were in the place where the ED took place due to the amount of beauty in it and man, it looks like as if it’s in the real world as well T ^ T