Why are Mino drops easier to get than Exiled drops

Yes I don’t care about your luck great person. You’ve probably gotten 10 Strong Oaths Full Hard Exiled Set and all that stuff. What I genuinely want to know is why. Let me tell you why I think that.

When I was in my positive rep acct I used to get Mino stuff pretty easily I had the whole set and some extra boots and helmets. Then in my neg rep acct I’ve been farming Exiled more times and a lot harder then how I farmed Mino. Till now only thing I’ve gotten is the armor. Then while I was exploring I found Mino two times and I’ve defeated him in the bad rep acct. In this two times I’ve gotten the boots at the first one and the helmet in the second one.

I thought both Mino and Exiled have the same chances so why? Well I guess I need to keep farming for that Oath so I don’t get dying to the spam by some random dude am I rite?


You’re just unlucky. That’s it, no more no less.


Alright so first the loot rate for bosses could be shown as 1/10 times the percent of damage you dealt to the boss. if you did 100%, theres a 1/10 chance to get an item. If you deal 50%, then there’s a 1/20 chance to get an item.
Then there’s the fact that the exiled can drop 5 items while the minotaur only has 4, which means that, if you deal 100% damage, you have 1/50 chances to get a specific item from the exiled and 1/40 to get a specific item from the minotaur. It doesn’t make it harder to get an item in general, it’s only harder to get the item you want.

…So basically you were lucky against the minotaur and as far as I know, not really unlucky against the exiled (since you didn’t specify how many times you killed him).

I did them all solo and I’ve killed exiled around 12 times till now. And I do not want any specific Item just trying to collect full set.

I guess you were slightly unlucky with the exiled but that kinda ends there for now

Ok well I’ll just keep farming I’ll mark the post as fixed

I’m highly unlucky, I hunt down Minotaur basically every other day and I still haven’t gotten one boss drop. Why must my luck be this way ;-;

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Are you lucky with exiled?

I guess when you think about it exiled is harder to kill than mino but that’s just from my experience

Not hard for me but still chances are bad for me

Exiled is way harder to fight for some reason. I don’t care about the armor, its a cool gimmick, but he goes invincible everytime he isn’t attacking you for some reason.

the exiled’s AI can actually be abused for an easy harvest, it’s (confidential information)

No thanks exiled is pretty easy

Because you always get stuff when you aren’t looking for it, and same thing other way round.


It do be like that