Why are pvpers so sweaty and toxic

In-world PvP almost entirely consists of gankers. The good PvPers will always be in elysium or on sameria dueling using camps

Anyhow, to answer the titleā€™s question:
The only PVP partaking users that a user that doesnā€™t partake in PVP will find are gankers, most (if not all) of which were born in illegal chemical waste dumping grounds.

Depends on the player.
For me, its more like 95%

idk man i feel like 50% of pvers only whine and complain like a child


bait used to be believable

ā€œI donā€™t like what you said because itā€™s against meā€

That would imply that a decent portion of the players who did a casual runthrough and only return for story (and some new side content) only whine and complain like children. Whatā€™s more likely is a vocal minority of PvE players, most of which have consistently poor interactions with PvP, partake in discussion which you regard as ā€œwhiningā€, despite them possibly having legitimate arguments.

I see people both on the forums and in vetcord act like a small change is the worst thing to of ever been conceived in their lives. Donā€™t get me wrong there are some people who make good points but theyā€™re not in high quantities and a good few of them do it in an immature way. But of course when itā€™s pvers in the wrong itā€™s not okay to generalize them but generalizing pvpers is completely fine


Because it makes you angry

Thatā€™s your problem there, youā€™re on Vetcord. Not a single good thing happens there.

Joke aside, I do agree that many changes are overblown in severity by the community, however often times these changes will have negative impacts towards the people it may not target (swim speed fucking up diving, dodge reflex reduction, brig beds, etc). The wider community should focus on being more constructive instead of ā€œwhiningā€, though I donā€™t expect this to happen. The AO community is not a particularly respectful one, hence my reluctance to engage on Vetcord.
While the forums has more respect and constructively than other places, itā€™s still decently negative.

I believe that thereā€™s no difference between generalizing PvPers and PvErs - both have their negative groups, which become what the other party sees. Some people never change this fact - to some, PvPers will always be gankers. To others, PvErs will always be mindless, whiny 12 year olds (as Aphotic would put it). This contributes to the divide that has formed in the AO community even further, which fucking sucks. People should, at the very least, regard players by their individual actions as compared to lumping them into a group based off of them being a ā€œPvErā€ or ā€œPvPerā€. Itā€™d be preferable for both parties to dabble in the otherā€™s experience, say a PvEr dueling some people to get a taste for it.

This wonā€™t happen, though. People in this community can be stubborn and reluctant to accept change or to deviate from their regular experiences. For the foreseeable future (probably past full release), there will continue to be disagreement between primarily PvE players and primarily PvP players. The cycle will continue.


for me, I didnā€™t mean to generalise all PvPers. There are a lot that I respect. But the ones that gank others for no reason to just ruin their fun are the ones that frustrate me.

message me their usernames and I can get my clan mates to hunt them for fun

just got ganked by a guy who did 300 dmg a hit

im not in a clan, dont have high renown, just minding my own business crafting jewels

when he kills me he starts spamming ez and shit

why must the world be like this

because if we arenā€™t suffering then its not the world

once pvp toggle drops im turning pvp off for good bruh


spam swapping titles might be the weirdest toxic gesture ive seen in a game

like its supposed to be a flex probably but its just confusing


Sameria using camps is in-world PvP
Also a lot of people donā€™t interact with the PvP community and then get ganked because the only people who know they want to fight or want to fight them are people who want something from you (bounty, infamy, galleons, etc.)

Basically most pvpers will PvP if you ask them or are in Elysium
*(unless theyā€™re busy)
These pvpers will not fight you in main game often

Other pvpers will PvP whether you like it or not
These pvpers are always in main game because Elysium is too fair for them and they can get kicked for their toxic-ass manchild behavior
Unless said elysium is an FFA, in which case theyā€™ll join on either an aoe mage or an aoe conj with storm of arrows (elyium aoe conj SOA is pretty fun ngl, Iā€™ve done it once)

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Iā€™m not getting on until full release, I can wait a few more months so I donā€™t have to deal with these ā€œpeopleā€

no clan, no building, no farm, no more afk farmers wooooo