Why are pvpers so sweaty and toxic

two guys started trying to capture cassia from me, i kited them for a solid 30 minutes wasting their time and when they killed me they started spam swapping titles on the leaderboard. like, congrats? you won the lego game? idk what you want me to say lol. they were both running metamancer agility power builds, like have some fun with the game man, experiment sometime.

Not to mention, this slot is in a new clan, therefore they do not gain anything from killing me.

you guys should share some funny moments like this happening to you


I’ve seen these two the other day in an almost empty server; They were ganking a poor assassin overseer.

PvP in Lego games often make some people lose all perspective and give way to ganking and rking and carrying on like emotional children some people may use toxicity which is a fancy way to demonstrate that their parents left them

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Yeah. the top one is top 10 on the leaderboard. if that’s how they got top 10 that’s kinda sad honestly. Like, where’s the fun in just shitting on people trying to vibe?

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Number rises, dopamine goes up. It’s innate to Man to find joy in such meaningless things, there’s at least one study on it.

Sure, I understand the number going up feels good. It’s why I have almost 5k health, big numbers make people happy. But I don’t see how it’s fun to fight someone that you just crush with no challenge and no reward.

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it’s not fun, people, annoying people, mind you, enjoy making people angry

I just don’t get that though. For me, it can be fun to waste someone’s time as they try to gank me or annoy me, I don’t really have a lot to do atm so it’s enjoyable when people gank me and waste their time. It’s just frustrating at that moment since I just wanted to vibe and build.

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Same goes for other games like minecraft

Dang, is any annoying build to fight against “meta” now?

I can confirm I am not sweaty or toxic, I just like voluntarily fighting people because I’m too trash to get into Elysium.

what do u mean? they just spam equip and unequip their title? i dont understand

yeah I’m confused too

Yeah. They kept swapping titles (one of them kept enabling his LB title), the same as someone would teabag in a shooter. I don’t understand why lol.

basically what they did after killing you:

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i mean…
agility builds are meta in world pvp


This is why I stopped rking

Elysium is just more fun; better ping, less bs, and nicer people (they kick the annoying ones)

I sitll don’t get this game man.

I was just vibing, building on cassia. Some dude tried claiming it, I stalled for a while, he killed me and my friend a few times.

He brought three more people in to kill us.

We are in a rookie clan. He is a Demon on the lb. He gains no infamy for killing us, and we wasted over 30 minutes of their time. They legitimately would’ve gotten more infamy if they just had those four people cap free islands instead. It’s just so confusing to me.

He gained a total of 70 infamy. Capping Harvest ALONE would’ve netted him 90 during that time.

Your first mistake was trying to apply logic to a video game. Nobody really needs a reason to kill you in Roblox, they can, and if they do, it’s now your problem. This will change by the time the PVP toggle is implemented, but it’s been this way for a long time.

Second, please don’t generalize PVPers with toxic gankers. There are gankers, and there are people who think it’s funny when you make forum posts like this complaining about how you killed them.

Kinda hard to when 50% of all pvp is said toxic ganks

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