Why are the forums still here? :st3:

@Vetex (I am aware this breaks a forum rule)

I want to ask you why the forums are still here. I have not seen anything good on here, and it does not do much of anything that cannot be done on the discord. Nobody uses the marketplace, and the only stuff that’s actually somewhat forum s is writing and art, most of which is just goofy or oc related, not really about the game at all. I think the forums only increase the hate and intolerance towards the community, and I have not really seen a major positive impact on anyone from this, aside from a small minority.
Things like guides and tutorials could be moved to the discord, and there could be sections for the art and writing that you could only access with a role, these things do not need a specific place.
The mods are barely active, only ones I can remember being so are Divanochi and Waping, and I’m ngl many people have told me they’re corrupted, abuse their abilities etc etc but I don’t know what they’ve done. I will say that things like rule 10 have no other purpose than this though, what other point could there be of stopping people from talking about mod activity? I’ve seen this rule enforced as well.

Overall, this is just a short complaint, nothing about the game, curious why the forums still exist or needed to in the first place. The reason I joined the forums was to suggest ideas, but it doesn’t look like you even look at those anymore, and considering that you want to work mostly alone on the main parts of the game, it doesn’t seem like you would even start reading them right now, nevermind implementing them. There are no forum events or games, and no reason to be here either unless you want to converse with the community, which is not the best.

I’m not going to quit the game (until full release anyways, if it becomes pay to join), but this is my final post.

I hope Vetex considers to suspend or maybe even delete the forums, or at the very least implements something to increase the positivity, usefulness, and just the overall quality of the forum. The most useful posts could definitely be transferred into the discord. I did not reread this, these are just my raw thoughts. That’s all I have to say.

Everyone pray Vetex gets married within the next decade, and decides to make AO mobile compatible. :pray: (this is serious).

I hope everyone reading this has a good life.


(Vetex if you’re gonna delete my account don’t ban me from the discord :pleading_face:)

adventure story development over AO development shall put vetex at peace and quiet

no need to create 100 skills when all you can create is simple textures and damage with same code and execute it perfectly, tis be wonderland

lets move to vetcord guys
there be treasure

Bros speedrunning the account anonymization (he’s failing mizerably)

Is bro trying to take the rest of us out with him?

Fuck you

3/10 bait topic (we need a dislike or something)

no vetcord moderation sucks and half the community there is more sensetive than your average joe in 2020

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Rare optical L :pensive:

Have you never heard of this place called “vetcord general”
Forum is way tamer

yeah ill be honest the forums is a completely different community from the discord and i personally find it more pleasant to interact here. in the discord you have general chat which is generally just a shithole and not actually fun to interact with, especially considering how many people are in the server.

“but level 25 chat!!” shut up if i have to talk in a shithole for 6 hours in order to get to a slightly less shithole then ur server is bad

“but patreon chat!!” i do not have consistent income i am a teenager


TRUE ! ! !
bro needs to take a break and develop some cutie patootie animal crossing style minigame

You have failed this city

Forums are dead but there are a select few that still talk here so I don’t know why you think it needs to be completely deleted?

i dunno. i kinda like it here

its the vocal minority that causes most of the problems. as a famous saying goes, its the 20% of the people who cause 80% of the issues. as much as i dont interact with the forum community anymore apart from checking reminders and every art post, i think its still a decent place to hang out where you can actually keep track of things and have conversations as opposed to a discord general char where the topic switches every minute.
iirc vetex has already expressed that he doesnt want to delete the forums, and even if suggestions arent read now, doesn’t mean they wont be read later. after all, arcane odyssey literally hasnt released yet


the forums are 40 times better than the discord, over here we can actually talk about a single topic for days even months at a time, unlike in general where anything interesting you may say will get drowned by the 3503495th “whats the best magic for shitlock?” comment

Ur right vetcord is so mid

wait what the fuck yeah

if there’s still a backlog to get through its not like he can just do whatever, right

You are not convincing me to interact in vetcord


I’m muted on vetcord I can’t even do anything there :sob:

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