Why are their so many asian clans?

I’m not trying to be racist, I’ve just never seen such a big asian community for a roblox game before.

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i dont know bro maybe its because asians make up over 50% of the entire worlds population
also theres a lot of eu/us clans too



did you find it necessary to necropost to do a single correction, @MC1 ?

havent seen many, if any, asian clans these days

I wonder if this guy knows about the thriving vietnamese community One Piece games on Roblox have

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i seen some malay/indo ones yesterday and today

constellia, eclipse, chinese godhunters r pretty well known asian clans


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Yep, and literally every other One Piece game for some reason.

Like I’ve never met a vietnamese Roblox player on any other game

its an anime game on the front page of roblox, easy to get into too

im in an asian bank guild
it’s got 2 ppl, me and my alt


theyre based in asia

I am an Asian so I probably don’t have much right to speak, but beyond just world population I think it’s also some non-Asian people fantasize Asian culture (anime, samurai, “martial arts”, etc). It’s probably just sheer our numbers though.

:nerd_face: Derrrrr Idk, did I? DERRRRR

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yes, yes you did.

replying so this doesnt die
